Our mission is to satisfy the insurance of our customers thought high competence, providing the most suitable coverage in the national insurance area. With high skills of our team and the partnership of main insurance companies, we are able to offer technical advice on the all of the insurance branches, starting from the analysis of the specific needs of individuals, whether they are private individuals, freelancers or companies and providing the most appropriate solution.

Our services:

– Analysis of the insurance portfolio

– Evaluation of insurance needs

– Search for insurance coverage

– Management of insurance policies

COMPENDIUM VALUE BROKER SRL Via della Maglianella, 65 T 00166 – Roma

Tel. 06 Mail Pec: compendiumvaluebrokersrl@pec.it

P. IVA 14368931003 REA RM-1515790

ISCRIZIONE RUI B000581812 del 06/09/2017

Società soggetta al controllo dell’IVASS